Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Paper Perspective - Wallpaper as Art

I used to give my Mom a hard time about wallpaper growing up as we had a ton of it. I silently vowed never to have wall to wall carpet or wallpaper in my home. Boy have I changed my tune – about wallpaper at least…

There are so many pretty designs out there it’s nearly impossible to choose just one. That said, there is one wallpaper that transcends the traditional concept all together - de Gournay. I have been saving clippings for years in a file, and when I moved to the city I was awe struck by the panels in Bergdorf Goodman. Never mind the expensive jewelry sales lady – can you please step aside so I can look at the wallpaper? I have wanted it for years... When I renovated my current apartment I contemplated one wall in my bedroom, but knew as soon as it was up, I would be moving and crying my way out the door. The solution I chose was framing individual panels as art. Why not? After all it is hand painted and I could take it with me.

The process is a process to say the least – but a fun one. You choose a general design first, which comes in 3 x 10 foot sections. From there the level of customization is limitless (image, color, background) at a price. I am drawn to reflective surfaces so I chose a silver metallic background. There is flexibility in the design as well – add a bird, change one, remove a rock, change the direction of a butterfly and so on. After several weeks you will review and approve OR make changes to a small prototype. Several weeks later you will have it in hand. I tend to customize everything, but if this is not for you, they also have many beautiful stock colors and patterns.

The pictures shown here are from my file. The vanity is from the movie, Miss Pettigrew Lives for A Day. I went to see the movie as I was finalizing my choices. The dining room is by Kelly Wearstler, who chose a similar wallpaper for the BG Restaurant as well. I love them all… The larger picture is my entry hall. This design is not the full panel but part of one, a more of an up-in-the trees view. The two birds face each other and the cherry blossoms are gorgeous. I never tire of looking at it every day. Now that’s a keeper…

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