It's the New Year and for better or worse, I finally moved into my apartment. After 5 months of sleeping around, 2 sublets and 3 moves later I’m here. It seems like forever since living like a normal person, but I experienced the alternative the last time I renovated - living there almost immediately. Things have improved a little since then…
I’ve renovated 3 times in this building. In the first renovation I lived in it from day one. Living in and renovating a studio apartment is a challenge to say the least – and not recommended. The next time I slept on a cot and took baths for 5 months. Washing my hair with a cup seemed OK at first, but I assure you the novelty wore off quickly. This time I had a real place to stay for the dirty, messy part – much more civilized…
So I’m moved in, if you can call it that. It’s more like camping really. I’m sleeping here however the list of amenities is short and sweet – a bed, a sofa, a few chairs, and a toilet. No kitchen or appliances, and no sink, tub or shower.
A kitchen is easy to live without in NYC as takeout is just a phone call away, not to mention the many restaurants just outside. And lucky for me I can shower at a neighbor's place while they are away – a true lifesaver. BTW I’ve lived without a toilet before and that is the absolute worst case scenario. I will never go through that again – a stronger warning on that one – NEVER EVER recommended!
Technology is also noticeably absent - no TV or stereo and who knows where my ipod is in all these boxes. And to top if off, my power cord went MIA in the last move – so no portable computer until a replacement arrives. Talk about bare bones - this truly is it. I’m not the kind of girl who enjoys roughing it, but living through a renovation requires a fair amount of just that.
The nice part about all of this is that you really appreciate what you have when living without, and everything goes back to normal eventually. Soon I should have cable – a big quality of life booster. I have to say I really miss TV. I also miss my music.
But I’m not complaining… I’m happy though to be in my own space – one that gets prettier by the day and does not have an expiration date.
Congratulations on moving in to your new place. I have lived in many renovations and if I didn't need to spend every penny on the reno I would never ever do it again. Life is too short. I hate the problems, dust, nothing in the right place, etc etc etc and end up hating the house. I can not wait to see the photos. MB
Thanks for posting this! Last week, I moved in to my partially renovated place - yesterday, I was feeling down and out about living amongst boxes and dust and rubble, but now I will take comfort in knowing I am not alone!
Thank you. It is a money saver to move in. I would rather have a great light fixture than be entirely comfortable for sure!
And gb you are surely not alone. I bet there are tons of us out there...camping.
Hang in there. I can emphathize. I am in a similar situation myself. No couch...or anything to sit on for that matter. But, at least I have running water. Whew! You're a trooper.
Having no couch is hard too, you cannot get comfortable except in your bed. I am counting the days to running water. All you take for granted... I have a toilet so I am 1/2 the way there. Next week I think I will at least have a bath and shower. Ahhhhh
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