Julie & Julia
The Paris apartment of Julia was amazing from the architecture of what I imagine to be the "typical French apartment" to my personal favorite - the round entry hall. I have always wanted one of those in the worst way – a list topper for sure.
Eloise at Christmastime
I watched this with my niece and nephews, happy to get a glimpse into an imaginary life at the Plaza. Here we saw yet another Parisian style interior with yet another round entrance hall – apparently every great apartment has this… Although I've never known anyone that has one and finding a picture, I assure you, is impossible.
It’s Complicated
I saw this kitchen everywhere before I went and was not one bit disappointed. It was so simple and wonderful with open shelves, marble counters, and expansive windows, but the best part in my opinion was mainly unseen - the butler’s pantry just off to the side. Perfection and not a single picture of it anywhere. A butler’s pantry is another must have on my personal wish list. Funny enough in the movie she is planning for her dream kitchen, yet this one is already a dream.
Coco Before Chanel
A very cute movie BTW in subtitles. I always love a period film for a little mansion/estate/castle renovation inspiration. In one part of the movie she focuses in on the lace in a dress and the collar of a suit. It was then that I realized she sees in clothes what I see in rooms. Apparently design is universal - it’s ALL in the details….
Wanna See – A Single Man
The mid-century set design, hair and make-up look just fantastic and the curved sofa had me at hello… Once again - you guessed it, no good pictures. There seems to be a reoccurring theme here to the things I like...
I always enjoy the sets or backgrounds in movies as much as the main storyline. Manytimes this is what drives me to see a film, and I never tire of jumping into, if only for a few minutes, fantasy living at it’s very best. Another ticket please...
BTW, it's snowing those big snowflakes here in New York, and it looks post card pretty out my big front window. Perfect for a holiday - Happy New Year everyone.
Could not agree more. The movies always provide such inspiration! Oh, and I too, am loving my first snowfall since I've moved here. Although, I'm in Hoboken, I'm wondering if I might have seen some of the same snowflakes you have! ( = Enjoy!!!
Sad its gone now but pretty while it lasted. If you just moved here, the next time it snows make a point to visit Central Park - it's just beautiful in the snow...
I agree I was totally inspired by the kitchen in "it's complicated" so much so that I was getting distracted from the story line, thinking.... hurry up getting over the relationship stuff and start building the new kitchen so we can see it before the movie ended. (even thou I had no idea how the present one could be improved upon I was dying to see what they came up with)
Funny I was hoping to see it too... a flash forward to the new kitchen. Maybe in It's complicated II.
Hey Friend, so the director Nancy Meyers is the same one that did Something's Gotta Give and The Holiday. She had her personnel designer help the production design team and set team with the interiors so my guess is she did the same for this movie. Look forward to seeing it.
:) Lisa L
Lisa - I know and I JUST LOVED those kitchens too. I cannot wait for her next one.... They have to keep making movies so we can see more...
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