Friday, June 19, 2009

The Magic of Etched Doors...

I fell in love with etched doors years ago. I bought my first pair in ABC Carpet & Home in NYC. They had been there for years, adding to the ambiance in the background. I visited them every time I went to the store for a long time. One day I stopped in and the entire floor was empty, except for them. I immediately asked if they were for sale, and bought them on the spot. I got there in the nick of time, as they were headed on a truck to Florida that day. I am not sure what drove me to the store that day, but surely I was meant to have them.

The design that captivated me was of birds in a Lilly pond – a heron as the feature bird with small birds flying overhead. I found a second very similar pair in my travels, and went back for them when I did my next renovation. Today all 4 are in my bedroom as closet doors. I backed them in mirror to camouflage the mess, which incidentally also amplifies the design. The look is truly amazing...

My doors have come a long way to get to me - one set came from Paris and the other from Italy. From looking at the borders on the top of each door, they were probably part of a larger scene, at least 4. Sadly I only got 2 each. I wish I could have seen them in their original surroundings - I bet they were absolutely spectacular!

Etched designs are cool as if made of ice. They are rare, unique and wonderful. Across from a light source or window they glow, and at night the look is nothing short of sexy... I love them so much that I consider them part of my permanent collection - they go where I go.

Here are some other beautiful rooms featuring these magical doors.


Dream Mom said...

Wow, I love the doors and the tub in the first picture. The doors with the heron sound beautiful.

Helen Guzman said...

LOve it!

Kelly Giesen said...

The tub is also fantastic... I wish I had room for that.

Kelly Giesen said...

If you look at my May 19th post called Cutting Corners you will see my little bird doors...glowing in the light.