First I thought I was gazing at a dressing room, but not - it's actually a bathroom . Wow and a big one at that. None of the usual suspects appear anywhere - no toilet, bath, or shower. Just a mirrored dressing table and bench. I Like... This room is super glamorous, and coming from one who lives for a great bathroom, I was instantly charmed.
BUT it was actually the fashion sketches that caught my eye. They truly reflect what it means to be feminine - hats, gloves, dresses. How perfect in a place where you celebrate the art of getting ready for the day...
And then it hit me - I have some of my own watercolor fashion drawings tucked away. I bought them years ago at a Paris flea Market and like my Schiaparelli's, they're some of my personal favorites. Look - here are 2 of them.
Pair these with a walk in closet, a full length mirror, a chair, a chandelier, some killer clothes, and accessories and you certainly have every girl's dream.
Oh and let's not forget the shoes...
I love these prints. They make the perfect art for a single girls powder room. Thanks for sharing.
They are both beautiful but that second one is stunning. I just love items that have that "over theh top" femininity and those certainly fit the bill. Can't wait to see some photos of the place. Do you have anything to share with us? (Keeping fingers crossed:)
Every time I take pictures all I see is dust... And today did not help as they dug out the wall in my bedroom for the flat screen. Days of cleaning are ahead but they have to sop making messes first...
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