Singing along?
One look at this image and Hotel California started playing in my head – a very cool place for sure and I never met a champagne I didn’t like…
It’s funny how mirrors on the ceiling are associated with all things tacky, but really? I think not. Take a look at this room by Kelly Wearstler. Amazing….
I put mirror nearly everywhere, but never on the ceiling – well not yet… I’ve considered having a large ceiling medallion custom made with mirror. This would be an ideal way to highlight the beauty of any light fixture – bevel the edge and you’re set. I have not tried it, but what she did here – I’m loving, so eventually I just have to….
“Livin’ it up at the Hotel California”…. OK, I’ll be singing this all day.
I think it's safe to say that in a room which captures your every image from above, you can 'check out' any time you like, but you could never really leave (sorry, couldn't resist, Hotel California was the soundtrack to my teens!)
It is amazing how nicely this detail was executed as I agree, mirrors on the ceiling have (up to now), always evoked an almost automatic (design) shudder. Nicely done.
You are funny...
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