I was lucky enough to make a wonderful friend through design – another serial renovator. Like me, she also loves reclaimed materials so we are on the same page there too. It’s great to have a friend on stand-by for renovation venting and idea bouncing. And lucky for me she’s right down the street.
When I’m not renovating, she is, so we both continue to return the favor. I was there most days during her last one, checking in and putting in my 2 cents where I could. Now I’m lucky enough to enjoy the finished product which is clean and calm – the exact opposite of mine at the moment.
The other night we sat on her floor drawing some new cabinet design details I’m considering until midnight. We had huge pieces of parchment paper all over her living room floor – comparing each subtle variation to the next. As an artist she draws beautifully, which really works wonders in making decisions. Nobody else would enjoy or even have the patience for that – except a friend like this.
I am sending out this thank you on my blog to Gabrielle and my other friends in design – absolutely priceless. I’ve met so many great new friends this way. Honestly I think the best way to get though a renovation is to have one, or many if you're so lucky.
BTW, I am about to return the favor as she just sold her beautiful apartment and is looking for her next one. Until then she’s keeping busy working on her boyfriend’s beach house and a winter residence – more cool stuff. Looks like just as my dust settles there’s more fun on the horizon. And another plus, she also has a great way with my contractor. Sometimes you need that too…
How could you tell us this story without any pictures. I would love to see how her apartment turned out especially as she was able to sell it in this economy. Tell her people are begging to see the results. xo, MB
Actually on Wed June 3rd I showed pictures of her entry and dining/living room in my post called "Beaming" - 2 pretty pictures. I'll see if I can get more. Her place sold in this economy because of her attention to detail everywhere. Layer that over a fantastic location, and 3 bedrooms right off Central park and you get a sale in any market. I sold my last space in a worse market when nobody was supposedly buying in record time - same reason. Pretty always sells...
love the blog. please keep posting!
To my priceless friend, I adored reading those words you wrote and I feel exactly the same about you. I am so lucky to have found you.
Differences are good, however it is so special when you connect with someone about so many things, from beautiful old doors, to dealing with contractors, to every tiny detail of the renovation.
I must admit Kelly is just such a natural at creating beautiful spaces it is inspiring to see her in action as I got the opportunity last night - beyond helping me out while making it seem so easy at the same time.
Thank you so much for being around thru my whole renovation I would not like to have even imagined it without you.
PS. I know Kelly is crazy busy at the moment, however if there is anyone who needs interior design work done, may I suggest wait until she has completed her renovation (and has returned from Paris with me for a well deserved holiday)then give her a call to make your life easier, surrounds more beautiful, while having a whole lot of fun doing it together.
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